Weave Your Home Together – Daniel J. Koren's

Weave Your Home Together

Posted by danieljkoren on October 25, 2010 in Viewpoints |

Have you ever seen a home coming unraveled? The kids run like demons, mom and dad cannot talk without arguing, and no one enjoys visiting for there long. Of course, we could blame caffeine, generational curses, and financial problems.

ADD households can be cured with just a little riddlin’.
A few years back, I noticed that our family was beginning to unravel. God led us to a process of daily Bible reading and discussion. I found deep bonds growing between my children and I as we thought through Bible concepts and I challenged them with role playing and spiritual problem solving. Rather than just trying to be buddies with my kids, I saw us becoming eternally linked together. We were no longer all just sharing the same house while living for different agendas; we became part of the same mission; we became an integrated fabric.

God gave these instructions for tight-knit families:
Never forget these commands that I am giving you today. Teach them to your children. Repeat them when you are at home and when you are away, when you are resting and when you are working. Tie them on your arms and wear them on your foreheads as a reminder. Write them on the doorposts of your houses and on your gates. (Deuteronomy 6:6-9, Good News Bible)
When you pray together, talk about the Bible together, and start each day with God in view, you stabilize your home. Husbands need to discuss the scriptures with their wives everyday in the home. Wives should stir up their husbands by asking spiritual questions. Children should grow up in an atmosphere of Bible reading, study, and memorization.

Whole-cloth families produce ravel-proof lives.
While we have no perfect guarantee of exactly how our children will turn out, by integrating children with God’s Word, they will take their faith into their adult lives. If you just tie your kids to church with Sunday School and VBS, they will easily cut those strings when they grow up. I could not get away from God when I left home because every aspect of my life had been tangled up in God: getting up in the morning, sitting down at the table, going for a walk, riding in a vehicle, and going to bed at night. My parents helped us live in awareness of our Lord and I could not unweave myself from Him even though my faith was frayed around the edges for a while.

Solve your high-strung home issues by weaving those loose ends together into a fabric of love and harmony through Bible stories, memorization, reading, discussion, study, and scripture songs. If you want help in this endeavor, check out the free resource devotionswithdad.com and look at the article “Seven Ways to have Heaven on Earth.”

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